Looking to unleash your car's superpower potential?
It's not just about tweaking out that extra few BHP. It's also about making sure your motor looks the part.
Could your car live up to one of these superhero car wraps?
We're not saying you need a Hummer or one of the recent T4's we've been wrapping to be the Hulk.
This McLaren looks just awesome all wrapped up as Doc Green. Printed as a custom wrap onto cast vinyl, imagine this breathing down your rear view mirror on the M53!
It just wouldn't be a super hero article without the man of steel.
This Merc AMG is probably has more lightweight alloy than the Terminator rather than solid steel, but how cool is that colour scheme?
Subtle (if a super hero car wrap could ever be called subtle) and so sharp looking.
I could just imagine my Golf GTi wearing this vinyl wrap cape!
Talking of capes, what about a Caped Crusader vinyl wrap?
Others I found online all went for the stealth look - we've got a post here on getting the car stealth look - but I liked this one for all its kitsch glory!
Any superhero car wrap that can get a 'Pow!' in there is fine by me and I just love how the graphic looks across that sleek Corvette's bonnet.
Great job by Platinum Wraps over in LA.
Some of the superhero wrap images online are 'artists impressions.' There's probably as much time gone into doodling these as we put into a real vinyl wrap!
Superb inspiration if you're looking for something different as a custom print.
Not to be outdone by all the supercar hero wraps, Kia hit the Detroit Motor Show hard with their take on Batman and Green Lantern.
It was a promotion between themselves and DC Comics highlighting a charity in Africa so all the get-up was for good causes.
Just a few highlights in green and the Kia Soul is (almost) transformed. Just don't expect it to reach warp speed!
How about if you've got a whole bus to cover? We couldn't leave this one out as our one extra image.
Not just content with an ad running down the side, this bus got the full custom super hero wrap option for the Batman vs Superman movie.
If only Cliff Richard had drove one of these on his summer holiday!

Have you spotted any other cool superhero car wraps out there?
Let us know over on our Facebook page.
PS - fitting in (almost) with our superhero theme, we've got a previous post on camo car wraps.
If the Hulk staring you down from the bonnet of your car is too much, maybe the stealth or camo look is closer to your style!
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